American Poet/Writer
1928 -
One of the easiest things to do is to criticize, to complain, to find fault. It is a trap that many creative people fall into. The world doesn't always recognized our creative genius so we put others down. Complaining becomes our defense mechanism, the way to protect ourselves from the onslaught of the world around us. What we need to learn is that complaining is not productive. It does not help us create great works of art. If we don't like something about the world, we need to either change it or change ourselves. And what I have found over the years is that it is much easier to change yourself than it is to change those around you and it requires a lot less energy and time.
So ask yourself: "What did I complain about yesterday?" Then ask yourself if you can change it and if not, then change your attitude." I teach people that they have little or no control on what happens to them. The only thing they have 100 percent control of is their attitude. If you don't like where you live, then change your attitude. If you don't like your boss, then change your attitude. We need to develop an attitude of gratitude. We need to appreciate what we have, not complain about what we don't have.