Sunday, December 26, 2010

D. H. Lawrence

"All my life, I have from time to time gone back to paint because it gave me a form of delight that words can never give.  Perhaps the joy in words goes deeper and it is for that reason more unconscious.  The conscious delight is certainly stronger in paint."

English Novelist, Poet and Painter

1885 - 1930

Painting by D. H. Lawrence

Creative expression is not limited to one form.  Poets paint.  Painters write.  Actors paint.  What do you find joy in?  Words?  Paint?  Acting?  Don't limit yourself to one form or medium.  Explore and expand your horizons.  Creativity is open and free.  Perfectionism is narrow and limiting.  We sometimes don't try things because we want to be perfect.  Perfectionism is about technique.  Creativity is about expression.  If we allow ourselves to be confined by technique, our creativity will harden and shrink.  Creativity frees the soul and opens up new worlds.  Technique imprisons the soul and we die a slow death.  What do you take delight in?  What brings you joy?