Friday, April 30, 2010


Coming soon to an mp3 player near you... Here are 7 interesting film/tv soundtracks that will fill your ears with nothing but a cool summer groove.

(click above to watch trailer)

The 'glee' cast featuring Jonathan Groff, Lea Michelle, Chris Colfer, Amber Riley and crew, put their high school musical spin on several of Madonna's hit songs. Highlights include: "Like A Prayer", "4 Minutes", "Borderline/Open Your Heart" and "Express Yourself". Available now.

(click title to watch video)

Realizing nothing else rocks quite like AC/DC, director Jon Favreau decided to go with an all AC/DC soundtrack for "Iron Man 2". It's like a greatest hits album, yet it breathes new life to some of the 30+ year old songs (yes, some of them are that old) to a generation who may not know "Back In Black". Other highlights include: "Shoot To Thrill", "Let There Be Rock", "Thunderstruck", "T.N.T." and 2008's "War Machine" from "Black Ice". Available now.

(click title to watch trailer)

The film is based on an SLN skit of an '80's television show ("MacGyver") and thus much of the film's soundtrack is also from that same era. You can expect contributions from such artists as: Toto, Eddie Money, Mr. Mister, Billy Ocean, ELP, Michael Bolton, Gerry Rafferty, as well as songs from alternative rockers Wolfmother, The Hives and The Black Keys. Available May 18.

(click above to watch trailer)

A soundtrack that includes new material from Alicia Keys ("Rapture"), Jennifer Hudson & Leona Lewis ("Love Is Your Color") and Liza Minnelli with her take on the Beyoncé hit "Single Ladies". Other artists on the soundtrack include: Dido, Erykah Badu, Ricki Lee and the four lead cast covering Helen Reddy's "I Am Woman". Available May 25.

(click above to watch trailer)

Featuring a score from award winning composer Harry Gregson-Williams and the song "I Remain" written and performed specifically for the film by Alanis Morissette. Available May 25.

(click title to watch trailer)

Continuing with the alt-rock vibe of the first two films, Muse returns with the brand new single, "Neutron Star Collision (Love Is Forever)". Other artists on the "Eclipse" soundtrack include: Florence + The Machine ("Heavy In Your Arms"), The Bravery ("Ours") and Vampire Weekend ("Jonathan Low").  Available June 8.

(click title to watch trailer)

The most anticipated soundtrack of the summer is for the comic novel adaptation of "Scott Pilgrim vs. The World". Artists include: Beck, Be Your Own Pet, Broken Social Scene, Neko Case, Cornelius, Metric ("Black Sheep"), Sloan and Spoon. Nothing short of indie coolness. Available August.

Rupert Murdoch and Teachers' Unions

From Sydney Morning Herald February 1, 2009

In February 2009 at a high-powered panel discussion at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Rupert Murdoch said the American public schooling system had failed its students and the greatest challenge to ensure US competitiveness in world markets was the investment in human capital.

"This is the greatest test for President Obama because this will be a great confrontation with the teachers' union . . . they are a very, very rich union and a number one contributor to the Democratic Party," he said.

"The President must have the courage and the strength to take on the teachers and win . . . if the United States is going to continue to lead the world over the next 30 or 40 years, education must be the way."


Where Obama has largely ignored Murdoch's advice it seems that Julia Gillard has accepted it with glee. "Take on the teachers and win", Murdoch's mantra, now appears to be Australian government policy.

Politicians educated in schools where teachers had a say in curriculum and testing, now want full control themselves. Without training as educators they eagerly espouse the latest fad from the US or Britain, fads that are pushed by the media, and pushed hardest of all by the Murdoch empire, an empire dedicated to propaganda and profit not education.

The simple fact remains that where teachers have no say in education there can be no education.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

A propósito de pelar la nalga

El exministrico de agricultura, Andrés Felipe Arias (alias Uribito), parece ser el inspirador de las vallas que pululan en el oriente del país, en contra del candidato Mockus y a favor del candidato Santos. en la valla aparecen los presidentes Chávez y Correa, junto a Alfonso Cano (Máximo dirigente de las FARC) en actitud provocadora ante Mockus. A raíz de las declaraciones de Uribito Jekyll salió a la calle e hizo la siguiente pregunta a 4 desprevenidos transeúntes:

A veces Jekyll (AVJ): ¿Qué opina usted sobre las declaraciones de Andrés Felipe Arias donde dice que: "pelando nalga no se ataca a las Farc”?

Juan Manuel Sankos:
(Empleado Gubernamental)
Ala! Me parece acertada la apreciación del chino Andresito, en mi caso, me propongo no volver a pelar el cobre! Y a todas estas... ¿Cuando almorzamos?

Hacendado Beneficiario de Agro Ingreso Seguro:
(Cultivador Cordobés)
Nuestro exministro tiene toda la razón, esa vaina de pelar es muy feo, a la muestra un botón: nosotros recibimos un misero subsidio y los medios lo único que hicieron fue pelar de nosotros!

Noemí Saltín:
(Ama de casa conservadora, emprendedora e independiente)
Aprecio mucho que este jóven por fin me tenga en cuenta. Yo estoy de acuerdo con el muchachito, pelando nalga no se puede, hay otras formas que pueden dar más resultados, de pronto pelando diente!

Narquiño Castaño:
(Prospero finquero Paramicultor)
Pues difiero del respetable dotor de la agricultura y excandidato nuestro, aquí en nuestras plantaciones de Palma, hemos usado una estrategia muy efectiva: al que no le gusta lo vamos pelando! Y mire como ha funcionado!

Fotografías: BBC, Vlado, El Espectador

Quién ganó el debate CityTV?

Refrescante resultó el debate de los candidatos presidenciales el pasado martes en el Canal City TV. Todo el país esperaba un mano a mano entre los dos punteros de las encuestas (Santos y Mockus), sin vislumbrar que en este debate ganaron los coleros pues mostraron coherencia, contundencia y conocimiento.

Pues bien, lo primero que debemos anotar es que en esta ocasión el cambio de metodología no favoreció el show. El único que tenía ganas de pelear era Alberto Casas, interrumpiendo a cada momento a los candidatos y clavando una que otra banderilla. A pesar de ello, los candidatos se esforzaron por no caer en la trampa, lo que a la postre les dio buen resultado, en detrimento de muchos espectadores que queríamos ver “Sangre en el ruedo”.

En medio de la oscuridad (no solamente del país, la escenografía era terrible) cada uno de los candidatos con una luz en la cara apuntando a sus ojos (cual interrogatorio en una caballeriza) trataba de responder sin afanes las preguntas (y repreguntas) de los anfitriones Alberto Casas y Roberto Pombo. Pombo hizo mucho énfasis en que no había ni balotas, ni chicharra, pero interrumpía siempre a los candidatos diciendo “Esteee, no hay chicharra, pero tampoco tiempo!”. Cada candidato estaba detrás de un atril que exhibía una calcomanía de la W y un pocillo desocupado con el logo del canal. Al final del debate, Juan Manuel Santos ayudó a recoger y guardar los pocillos porque Noemí, Petro y Vargas Lleras querían llevárselos de souvenir.
En medio de esta “venta de pocillos”, solo hubo un momento de tensión: el candidato Santos se quejó sobre el pronunciamiento que había hecho Mockus de extraditarlo, las barras esperanzadas detrás de los televisores vitoreaban a Mockus y Mockus… se corrió. Quedó la pregunta para la encuesta propia, ¿extraditaría usted a Uribe y Santos?.

De allí en adelante abordaron cuestiones como la Salud, la Reforma Laboral, etc…, temas en que vimos brillante a Petro, no solamente por su vestido habanito y su corbata amarilla (¿de qué color serían los zapatos?), sino por su contundencia y la claridad en las ideas. A Pardo y Vargas Lleras, no les fue nada mal, demostraron conocimiento y profundidad en los temas. Paradójicamente a Mockus y Santos, punteros en las encuestas, los mató la indefinición, el desconocimiento y la falta de precisión.

Noemí fue cuento aparte, con su vestidito de lana, su marcado acento paisa y sus cuentos de antaño (¡Mi papá se inventó el SENA y mi mamá la bandeja paisa!), parecía más una tía solterona que una candidata presidencial. Claro que también dió pie para que Germán Vargas Lleras nos recordara que su abuelo se inventó el Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar, lo que no quedó claro es si Carlos Lleras creó el ICBF para llevar a su precoz nietecito Germán.

Mockus innovó al usar una vieja técnica oriental para desconcentrar a sus competidores, consistente en toser cuando habla el oponente. Participó activamente en todas y cada una de las intervenciones de sus contrincantes, tosió, tosió y tosió. Allí fue cuando descubrimos que los pocillos estaban desocupados.

Terminado el debate twitter consolidaba una opinión de cómo quedó el ranking de esta confrontación política:

Ganador Gustavo Petro a pesar de su corbata; segundo lugar compartido para Pardo y Vargas Lleras (gana Pardo por que puede enumerar hasta 10 propuestas con sus manos, Vargas solo 7); tercer lugar el profesor Antanas Mockus con su hábil estrategia de la tos, en cuarto lugar Juan Manuel Santos; en quinto lugar un empate entre Alberto Casas y Roberto Pombo; en sexto lugar el luminotécnico; en séptimo el pocillista y por último la tía Noemí.

Veremos que pasa en el debate de candidatos a la vicepresidencia.

Foto: El Tiempo


THE LOST '80's - Songs You Might Have Forgotten About

(click above to watch video)

The British magazine NME, called him 'one of the most influential artists ever.' Taken from his solo debut album "Viva Hate" (1988), the former front man for the alternative rock band The Smiths (1982-87), scored a #9 hit in the U.K. with this song. Although the song never found mainstream success in North America, it remains one of Morrissey's most popular. Encompassing a dreamlike quality with it's swaying instrumentation, "Everyday Is Like Sunday" is a beauty of a song.

You can find this song on the album "Viva Hate" (1988).

Check out Morrissey @

You can also download this song @ iTunes.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Obama proclamation: Workers Memorial Day


Providing safer work environments will take the concerted action of government, businesses, employer associations, unions, community organizations, the scientific and public health communities, and individuals. Today, as we mourn those lost mere weeks ago in the Upper Big Branch Mine and other recent disasters, so do we honor all the men and women who have died on the job. In their memory, we rededicate ourselves to preventing such tragedies, and to securing a safer workplace for every American.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim April 28, 2010, as Workers Memorial Day. I call upon all Americans to participate in ceremonies and activities in memory of those who have been killed due to unsafe working conditions.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-eighth day of April, in the year of our Lord two thousand ten, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-fourth.



Mourinho elimino al Barcelona

Todo le salio como quería Jose Mourinho, tecnico del Inter de Milan, cuando desde la semana pasada y tras muchas declaraciones provocadoras transfirio toda la presión al club Catalan y al final lo dejo fuera de la final de la Champions League aun perdiendo el partido en el Nou Camp 1 a 0.
Con un planteamiento ultra defensivo que amaño al Barcelona y no le permitio desarrollar todo su potencial más aún tras perder a Motta por expulsión el tecnico del Inter uso todas las tretas posibles y hasta teniendo suerte pues se anula un gol al Barcelona aduciendo una mano que nunca existio.
Se permitió el lujo de acercarse a Guardiola y bromearle al oído, y de lanzar más de un improperio. A Mourinho todo se le permite y si consigue su objetivo, más todavía. En Italia ya es un ídolo y buscará lo que consiguió con el Oporto y se le resistió con el Chelsea: la corona más ansiada por todos los interistas.
Acabada la batalla, Mourinho festejó la gesta a lo grande. Aplaudió y se burló de todos los que le increparon desde su llegada. Valdés salió al paso. «Quien gana tanto, no sabe perder. Valdés pensó que lo estaba festejando de manera negativa, pero yo me dirigía a los hinchas del Inter», se justificó el míster. Inclusive el que le prendieran los aspersores de agua del campo de juego impedio su festejo.
El antiguo traductor de Robson en el Barca no ocultó sus intenciones. Hubiera sido absurdo. «Hemos hecho un partido espectacular. Mi consigna a los jugadores fue clara: le regalamos el balón al Barça y nos defendemos. Y lo hicimos a la perfección, con una concentración máxima». Mou privó al Barça de la final del Bernabéu y dio un motivo más a Florentino para que saque la billetera y acabe en el Madrid.
Genio y figura hasta la sepultura, se vengo de todas las veces en que este Barcelona lo dejo fuera de la competencia cuando estaba en el Chelsea. Lo veremos el proximo año en la banca del Madrid?

La Estancia clubhouse


SPIN Magazine celebrates it's 25th anniversary by ranking 
the 125 most influential albums of the past 25 years (1985-2010). 
Here's what made the top 10.

 #10. The Downward Spiral (1994) - Nine Inch Nails

 #9. Slanted And Enchanted (1992) - Pavement

  #8. Rid Of Me (1993) - PJ Harvey

  #7. Appetite For Destruction (1987) - Guns N' Roses

  #6. It Takes A Nation Of Millions To Hold Us Back (1988) - Public Enemy

  #5. OK Computer (1997) - Radiohead

  #4. Nevermind (1991) - Nirvana

  #3. The Queen Is Dead (1986) - The Smiths

 #2. Sign 'O' The Times (1987) - Prince

 #1. Achtung Baby (1991) - U2

You can view the entire list here @
All songs & albums are available for download @ iTunes.

Sydney May Day 2010

Struggle for your rights, peace & socialism

March on May 1
Assemble 12 noon Hyde Park North
Rally at First Fleet Park, Circular Quay

Ark Tribe – unionist facing 6 months prison at hands of ABCC
Lee Rhiannon – NSW Greens
Andrew Ferguson – State Secretary, CFMEU Construction
Paul McAleer – Sydney Branch Secretary MUA

International Day of Workers Rights and Peace
Repeal all Anti-Worker Laws


Authorised by: Stuart Holt, Sydney May Day Committee, Lvl 2 365 Sussex St, Sydney NSW 2000.

Annual May Day Toast
Friday April 30, 6.30pm

1st Fl, Cyprus Community Club
58-76 Stanmore Rd, Stanmore

MC: Charmaine O’Sheades, NSW Teachers Fed
Mover: Mark Lennon, Unions NSW
Guest Speaker & Live Band

$35. Three course meal and drinks

President: George Gotsis. Secretary: Paul McAleer
Enquiries 9265 8438.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Workers’ Memorial Day 2010

28 April, 2010 | ACTU

Unions, community groups and grieving widows of those killed at or because of work will gather at rallies and memorial events around Australia today.

International Workers Memorial Day is the day unions globally mourn the dead and fight for the living. Unions are highlighting the positive effect they have on workplace health and safety – and the need to ensure current rights and protections are not eroded.

The ACTU is calling on the federal government to make further improvements to national workplace health and safety laws and immediately disband the Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC).
“Bad laws cost lives,” said ACTU President Sharan Burrow.

“The proposed new national workplace safety laws reduce requirements for an effective standard of risk management. We’re also concerned that workers who put their hand up to be an OHS representative won’t have the same protections that exist currently in some states.

“Unnecessary red tape is also being put in the way of OHS Reps get proper training and being able to issue notices to protect their fellow workers. We say no to second rate safety.”

“The federal government also needs to urgently disband the ABCC, which has caused a decline in safety in the construction industry by preventing health and safety issues in the construction industry from being addressed in a timely fashion.”

There has been an increase in deaths from 3.14 per 100,000 workers in 2004, before the ABCC commenced, up to 4.27 in 2008 in the construction industry.

Ms Burrow said union research the six deaths have occurred at BHP sites in WA alone in the last two years showed the need for a greater union presence in the workplace.

“Workers need to be able to raise safety issues without fear of recrimination or punishment,” Ms Burrow said. “The presence of a union in the workplace provides workers with the support they need to speak out when there is a health and safety risk.”

Globally, over 2 million workers die from work related causes each year.

In Australia, there are estimates that up to 7000 workers die each year from work-related injuries and illnesses. Every three minutes someone in Australia is injured seriously enough to lodge a worker’s compensation claim. The economic cost of work-related injuries and illnesses is more than $50 billion a year.

International Workers Memorial Day was started by Canadian unions in 1984. Over 14 million people took part in over 10,000 activities in over 100 countries in 2009.

Imponerse a Huevazos

Acaba de llegar a la redacción de "A veces Jekyll, a veces Hyde" un vídeo con las imágenes de el "cordial" y "respetuoso" debate entre la coalición de gobierno (parece colisión por las imágenes) y la oposición, frente a la la continuidad de una base militar rusa en Ucrania.

Mientras los honorables congresistas usaban huevos ventiados, bombas de humo y golpes, el Presidente del Parlamento, que estaba preparado con unas sombrillitas, no se movió de su pupitre y tan sólo terminó la sesión cuando completó los votos necesarios para aprobar el acuerdo militar, por un estrecho margen.

Tanto huevo junto en la cabeza de tanto padre de la patria nos hizo recordar los viejos tiempos, cuando en pleno congreso colombiano Juan Manuel Santos se ganó un huevito:

Con imágenes de clytelevisión y de Tienen Huevo


SONG OF THE WEEK - "Strange Condition" by Morgan Page feat. Elizabeth Morris

"Strange Condition" by Morgan Page

Morgan Page is a progressive house DJ from Los Angeles, CA. "Strange Condition" is the second single from his sophomore album "Believe" (2010). Featuring Elizabeth Morris on guest vocal, Page has crafted a first-rate club song with pop radio crossover potential. Originally written and recorded by Pete Yorn for his "Music For The Morning After" (2001) album. Page has retained the melancholy essence of the song, but has exchanged Yorn's folksy rock feel for a clap along percussive club beat. Hypnotically addictive.

You can check more about Morgan Page

Available @ iTunes.

Monday, April 26, 2010

ABCC threatens $22,000 fine

The Age April 27, 2010

Electrician Mirek Grzegorek was stunned to receive a letter from the building industry watchdog warning him he could be fined $22,000 for attending a couple of short union meetings.

Mr Grzegorek said the meetings were to discuss workplace entitlements, with claims his employer, Maxim Electrical, was trying to escape its award obligations to pay redundancy when its work finished at the ANZ project in Docklands.

''Obviously a lot of guys were concerned. We had a couple of union meetings in relation to that,'' he said.

''At the time there was an understanding if you go on a union meeting during working hours then your employer rightfully can deduct up to four hours of your time, even if the meeting takes 10 minutes.''

But the letter warned that Mr Grzegorek could face a much bigger penalty for attending an unauthorised union meeting.

Mr Grzegorek said the two meetings ran only a short period into work time. He said it was after he had lost his job and had to visit his sick father in Poland that he received the letter from the Australian Building and Construction Commission.

He said he had ''some big expenses because we went to Poland''. He said the letter also wanted him to provide evidence of what was said at the meeting.

''Such things really upset me in a democratic country … I didn't even realise such a law exists in Australia,'' he said.

Electrical Trades Union assistant state secretary Troy Gray said the letters were aggressive. He said the union had tried to get an authorised meeting on the issue of entitlements but that had been rejected by the employer.

Newcastle Trades Hall stand

The Herald
27 Apr, 2010

State and Federal Hunter MPs, and potentially NSW Premier Kristina Keneally, have been urged to boycott the opening of Newcastle's new $1 billion coal loader because of a non-union agreement governing its operations.

Newcastle Trades Hall has written to the MPs asking them not to turn out for the official event and photo opportunity on May 3 at the BHP Billiton-backed Newcastle Coal Infrastructure Group terminal, in a sign of support of unions' concerns.

It is understood Ms Keneally is at this stage expected to attend, but senior union officials are to approach the Government about the issue.

Trades Hall secretary Gary Kennedy said the infrastructure group's five-year non-union agreement had been registered in the "dying days" of the WorkChoices legislation, despite the region's history of "minimal industrial action".

"We're saying to the politicians, show your support by not going," Mr Kennedy said.

Trades Hall also sought last year the support of the International Transport Workers' Federation.

Unions TV campaign

Alfredo Casero


Poesía gallega actual: Pura Vázquez

Náufragos da elexía



Estás. Existes baixo uns ceos
sosegados e as múltiples ribeiras.
Vértebra anceante. Corazón que adoza
o meu sono e vixilia en cada hora.

Eres fronteira para a festa e pranto.
Un anxo que me chama e se desvea.
Aire e lume volvéndome as imaxes
dun tumulto ostinado de clamores.

Enmárcaste na múltiple evidencia.
Na pel das ondas, nos latexos cálidos,
no gozo entre os susurros do averío.

Río medrando en transparentes marxes.
Mar de horizontes amplos, repetidos
nas miñas persistentes soedades.

Pura Vázquez 

La Gran Encuesta

La Pregunta de nuestra encuesta frente al debate de los candidatos en el Canal Caracol fue votado por 109 personas que dieron como ganador de la encuesta al candidato Mockus, con un segundo lugar de Santos y un tercer lugar del Canal Caracol.


En Ucrania, a unos 100 kilómetros al sur de Kiev el 26 de abril de 1986 a la 1:23 hs. de (Moscú) el rector numero 4 de la central nuclear de Chernobyl sufre el mayor accidente nuclear conocido en su tipo hasta el presente.
Solo 90 minutos después de haberse decidido reducir paulatinamente la potencia de generación para iniciar un test en el circuito refrigerador del reactor una suma de circunstancias atribuibles a fallas en los sistemas de control, la riesgosa desactivación del sistema de seguridad exigida por el test y la ineficaz actuación de los operadores ante la emergencia desatan la catástrofe.

A solo 2 minutos de haberse iniciado una incontrolada generación de vapor en el núcleo del reactor queda fuera de control, superando en 100 veces los máximos admitidos; estallan por sobrepresion los conductos de alimentacion y la coraza protectora de grafito del núcleo produciendose un pavoroso incendio y la expulsión al exterior de 8 toneladas de combustible radiactivo tras una doble explosión.
Las consecuencias de la catástrofe afectaran a un área con casi 5 millones de habitantes. Las brigadas especializadas enfrentarán la heroica tarea de sofocar los incendios y neutralizar las fugas radiactivas, al menos 30 de sus integrantes morirán por exposición radiactiva letal.
Balance de la catástrofe
Las poblaciones en un radio de 30 kms. serán definitivamente evacuadas de las cuales 40.000 eran habitantes de ciudad de Chernobyl. La catástrofe inicialmente disimulada por Rusia trascenderá al propagarse la radiación por toda Europa.
Una década y media mas tarde la evaluación de víctimas totales por contaminación directa o por consecuencias indirectas de la catástrofe ascendía a 20.000 personas muertas o con pronástico fatal debido a las afecciones contraidas debido a la radiación y cerca de 300.000 aquejadas por distintos tipos de cáncer.
Hoy se cumplen 24 años del mayor desastre nuclear de la Historia cuyas consecuencias aun estan afectando al planeta y la gente que la habita.


Okay, so the official first day of summer isn't until June 21. But if the sun is shinning and it's warm enough to wear shorts, it's summer. The months of May and June promise a wealth of cool new music from some of your indie favorites to some of your favorite mainstream pop divas. Here's a list of over 30 upcoming album releases.

Click here to view Summer 2010 Music (August-September) Preview

 MAY 4
 "Pulse" by Toni Braxton
(click to watch "Make My Heart")

 "Forgiveness Rock Record" by Broken Social Scene
(click here to watch a teaser clip of "Sweetest Kill") 

 "Please Don't Tell Me How The Story Ends"
by Kris Kristofferson
(click to listen to album @ NPR)

 "Heaven Is Whenever' by The Hold Steady
(click to hear "Hurricane J")

 "So Runs The World Away" by Josh Ritter
(click to hear "Change of Time")

"Together" by The New Pornographers
(click to listen to the album @ NPR)

MAY 11
 "Dynasty" by Kaskade
(click to watch promo with Kaskade)
Album out in Canada on April 27.

 "High Violet" by The National
(click to hear "Bloodbuzz Ohio")

 "Champ" by Tokyo Police Club
(click to hear "Breakneck Speed")

 "Sea Of Cowards" by The Dead Weather
(click to watch "Die By The Drop" teaser)

"Oooh La La!" by The Crash Test Dummies
(click to watch "Oooh La-La" promo)

MAY 18
 "Brothers" by The Black Keys
(click to watch video for "Your Touch")

 "This Is Happening" by LCD Soundsystem
(click here to watch "Drunk Girls")

 "Infinite Arms" by Band of Horses
(click here to watch "Compliments")

 "Compass" by Jamie Lidell
(click to hear "Compass")

"The Sellout" by Macy Gray
(click to watch "Beauty In The World")

MAY 25
"STP" by Stone Temple Pilots
(click to hear "Between The Lines") 

 "Say It" by Born Ruffians
(click to hear "What To Say")

"To The Sea" by Jack Johnson

 "{Bi-on-ic}" by Christina Aguilera
(click to hear "Not Myself Tonight")

 "Grace Potter & The Nocturnals"
by Grace Potter & The Nocturnals
(click to watch "Tiny Light") 

 "Shout it Out" by Hanson
(click to watch "Thinking 'Bout Somethin')

How I Got Over 
"How I Got Over" by The Roots
(click to watch "How I Got Over")

Thank Me Later
  "Thank Me Later" by Drake

(click to watch "Over")

 "Nothing" by N.E.R.D.
Album pushed to September.
(click to hear "Hot N' Fun feat. Nelly Furtado)

 "The Laws Of Illusion" by Sarah McLachlan
(click to hear "Loving You Is Easy")

 "American Slang" by The Gaslight Anthem
(click to hear "American Slang")

"Mojo" by Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers

 "Recovery" by Eminem
(not official cover art)
(Click here to watch "Not Afraid")

"The Five Ghosts" by Stars
(click to hear "Fixed")

 "Laws Of Power" by Three 6 Mafia

New album TBA by M.I.A.
(click to watch "Born Free")
(warning: graphic violence in video)
"Aphrodite" by Kylie Minogue
(click to watch "All The Lovers")