The Federation of Parents and Citizens’ Associations of NSW are outraged with the federal government’s suggestion to use parents in the role of supervisors in the NAPLAN testing next month.
'It is not the role of parents to supervise the implementation of such testing. This lies in the hands of government who have the responsibility of the education of our children', said Di Giblin, President of the NSW P&C. ‘Such action can only lead to the driving of a wedge between the key partners in a child’s formal educational experience, the parent and the teacher.'
Despite the Ministers assurances to the contrary, we do not see an open dialogue between the government and the Teachers Union. To suggest that parents can fill the gap in the delivery of the NAPLAN testing only divides local communities and fails to resolve the real issues at the heart of this dispute. This is about a responsibility of government to work with all stakeholders in order to deliver the best possible outcomes for education in this country.
If the government is truly committed to a genuine partnership with parents and education, they would not place parents in this difficult position.