Monday, September 6, 2010

WA: Barnett's invasion

"Another invasion" -- Mick Dodson, former Australian of the Year

It beggars belief that this is even legal in Australia.

Aboriginal land in one of our most fragile ecosystems has just been earmarked for compulsory acquisition by the Western Australian Government. The reason? Energy giants including BP, Woodside, Chevron and Shell want to build a gas pipeline, and they don't want to wait for Indigenous consultation.

Some traditional owners are in favour of the pipeline, others disagree. But one thing is clear: compulsory acquisition means no genuine consultation, and far less compensation if the project goes ahead.

We need to respond quickly and make sure Premier Barnett's announcement is met with national outrage. Locals are delivering a petition to the Premier's office next week. Can you back them up by adding your name today, and asking your friends to do the same?

The nation is talking about hung parliament negotiations in the marble halls of Parliament House. But far away, in the red dirt of James Price Point, 400km from Broome on the Dampier Peninsula, there is another power struggle going on; pitting the profits of BP, Shell, Woodside and Chevron against the rights of Indigenous Australians. You can help shift the balance.

There are numerous registered Aboriginal heritage sites in the vicinity of James Price Point (Walmadan). Locals tell of Indigenous burial sites and ancient rock art; in some areas you can actually see the footprints of prehistoric birds, long extinct. But the Western Australian Premier wants to bypass Aboriginal elders in what's been called "colonialism all over again" by Wayne Bergmann, Kimberly Land Council CEO. And what's more, the project hasn't even received environmental approvals required by State or Federal law.

This is about more than one site, or one gas pipeline. Compulsory acquisition in WA would put the profits of multinationals above the rights of traditional owners -- and threatens decades of progress on land rights.