Saturday, March 26, 2011

Sydney Climate Change Rally - 2 April

Did you see the rally against climate action in Canberra this week?

Next Saturday those same shock-jocks and politicians are rallying in Sydney to claim that our town doesn't want real action on Climate Change. But if they think we can be defeated by fear, they're about to see what real grassroots community action looks like.

Let's join together for a few hours next Saturday the 2nd of April -- not to have a louder, angrier rally, but to show the difference in both our numbers and message: the difference between fear and hope. While they're shouting their angry slogans and misinformation, on the other side of Sydney we'll hold a positive, family-friendly gathering to stand up for our vision for clean energy and preserving a safe climate for our kids.

If we all come together, the media won't be able report on the anti-climate rallies without also reporting that more people turned out to express support for a price on pollution. Will you be there?

What: Family-friendly rally for climate action (there will be great music and face-painting for kids)
Where: Belmore Park (next to Central Station, behind the Eddy Avenue bus stops)
When: Next Saturday, April 2, 11am-12noon

How will showing up make a difference? A fortnight ago, when an anti-climate-action rally came to Melbourne, over 8,000 locals joined our rally for climate action. They turned a bad media story on it's head - into a positive national story about how many Australians showed up in support for climate action.

This is our chance, together, to turn this shock-jock story around. To let history record that when they tried to engineer a dangerous and angry Tea Party-like movement in Australia, ordinary families neutralised it with a larger positive and peaceful movement.