Sunday, July 10, 2011

Facundo Cabral

"When life shows you a thousand reasons to cry, show it you have a thousand and one reasons to smile."

Argentine Folk-Singer, Writer

1937 - 2011

Nobody's life is perfect and without problems.  We all face challenges.  Being rich and famous does not protect anyone from facing life's challenges.  Being poor and hungry does not ensure anyone happiness.  Being a writer, a singer or a painter does not save you from suffering and pain.  We all have reasons to cry, but we have even more reasons to sing and smile.  Have you watched the sun rise?  Have you heard the singing of the birds?  Have you listened to the rain?  Celebrate life!

Facundo Cabral was a 74-year-old Argentine folk-singer who was shot and killed in Guatemala on Saturday, July 9th.  Take a moment and listen to this spoken word poem with English sub-titles.  Celebrate the life and words of an artist.