Sunday, July 10, 2011

R.I.P. Facundo Cabral (1937-2011)

The world has lost a great Latin American folk singer named Facundo Cabral. Cabral had been singing since the '60's and was most popular in his home country of Argentina. He had toured around the world and sang in eight different languages. One of his most renowned songs was "No soy de aqui ni soy de allá" ("I'm not from here nor there"). In 1996, Cabral was named a United Nations Messenger of Peace. On the morning of July 9, 2011 while en route to the Guatemala City Airport, he was shot to death by several unknown gunmen who surrounded the vehicle he was a passenger in. The intended target is thought to be Cabral's business associate who was the driver of the vehicle. A horrific and unjust death for a man who spent his life as solider of peace and protest.

Facundo Cabral's catalog of music is available @ iTunes.