Monday, November 8, 2010

SONG OF THE WEEK - "Dancing With The DJ" by The Knocks

"Dancing With The DJ" by The Knocks

"...We don't care if the sun comes up
'cause you know will be dancing with the DJ..."

What makes a great 'pop' record? An infectious beat? A catchy chorus? The ability to place a smile on your face? Well, The Knocks have captured those elements and more in creating "Dancing With The DJ". A fun, upbeat pop record that kicks the 'sh#t' out of many of the current 'pop' songs riding high on the airwaves. 

The Knocks (Ben "DJ B-Roc" Ruttner & James "JPatt" Patterson) are a producing/remixing duo from New York City. You can download "Dancing With The DJ/Thinking About You" for FREE by going to their Facebook page and clicking the 'like' button.