Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Peter Hicks in Sydney

Saturday, 20th November, 8pm
Crown on McCredie's Velvet Bar
Cnr of McCredie & Fairfield Roads

Peter Hicks a former Sydney based acoustic and folk singer-songwriter now based in Tasmania is returning to sing in Western Sydney. Peter was a regular on the ABC radio in Sydney in the first half of the 90’s and performs frequently on ABC Hobart and has been played on Radio National. He travels around the country and internationally performing at folk festivals.
His songs have been described as chronicling our times in the best tradition of folk music. Peter sings about the environment, population issues, refugee rights with some traditional Australian themes such as Ned Kelly and convict ballads from Tasmania. He uses humour and satire and his serious songs sit alongside those which play havoc with the powers that be in a cheeky mood.

Enquiries: Colin 9043 5850 - 0412 924 251 Ingrid 0437 206 012
Admission donation: $15, $10 concession, $20 Keen Green