"Body Rock" by Maria Vidal
In 1983, a film called "Flashdance" was released. The film and the soundtrack ("...What A Feelin' ", "Maniac") became a huge success. It lead a wave of successful dance themed film/soundtrack releases ("Footloose", "Breakin' ") and not so successful dance themed film/soundtracks ("Beat Street", "Body Rock"). If you remember this song, you're probably one of only a few. Taken from the 1984 film of the same name, "Body Rock" was Maria Vidal's only hit song (#48 US, #11 UK). It's too bad the song never became more successful, it hit all the right '80's notes. It's an energetic and fun song with an infectious beat. Nothing to take too seriously. Perhaps listeners were getting tired of all the dancing themed movies and songs that spun from them. Or more likely the film, "Body Rock" was so bad that D.J.'s just wrote the soundtrack off. Ahh the '80's.
Maria Vidal continued to record during the '80's, but mostly as a backup singer ("I Can't Wait" by Stevie Nicks, "Summer Rain" by Belinda Carlisle). In 2009, she released a new full-length album called "Living In Radical Radiance".
Available @ iTunes.