Friday, October 1, 2010

Unions, Labour Hire and Fair Work – What Next?

Unions NSW has organised a seminar on the changing nature of labour hire, how it is likely to evolve under the FairWork Act and the potential industrial and organising opportunities available to unions.
  • WHEN: Thursday, 7 October 2010
  • TIME : 9:30 – 12:00 noon (A light lunch will follow)
  • WHERE: Unions NSW Auditorium
Ground Floor, Trades Hall,
4 Goulburn Street, Sydney
(Entry via 377 Sussex Street)

A light lunch will be served after the completion of the seminar.

Keynote speakers include:
  • Elsa Underhill from the Faculty of Business and Law at Deakin University who has written extensively about labour hire and temporary employees as well as completing her doctorate on the occupational health and safety implications of labour hire employment.
  • John Buchanan, Director of the Workplace Research Centre based at Sydney University who will be presenting on the WRC’s recent research examining the possibilities of an ethical approach to labour hire through group skills training cooperatives.
  • Luis Izzo a Senior Associate in Clayton Utz’s Workplace Relations, Employment & Safety Group who will be addressing the industrial future of labour hire under the FairWork Act.
If you are interested in attending please email Rose at: for catering purposes.

Should you have any questions or wish to discuss this matter further do not hesitate to contact Neale Towart at Unions NSW on (02) 9881 5999.