Saturday, August 14, 2010

Peter Garrett: Creative Australia

A re-elected Gillard Labor Government will provide new funding to the Australia Council to nurture the creative process, help artists create new work and ensure audiences have greater access to a diversity of creative expressions.

We will provide $10 million over five years for the Australia Council to invest in new and innovative Australian work, by delivering:
  • New artistic works, including visual art, performing art, literature, new media and music.
  • Additional Presentations to Australian audiences, including to communities outside the major metropolitan areas.
  • More Fellowships for Australia’s young and emerging artists and mid-career artists.
Grants of up to $80,000 per annum will be available for new artistic works, up to $50,000 per annum for each new presentation, and up to $60,000 per annum for new fellowships.

This new program will support up to 150 artistic works, presentations and fellowships in priority areas including: support for young and emerging artists, the creation of new Australian work (visual art, music, theatre, literature and dance) and assist artists in building sustainable careers by generating new income streams from corporate support and philanthropy.

Individual artists will benefit from this program as it provides new opportunities to create work and present to wider audiences across the country, raising their exposure and their ability to generate an income through their work.
