[from Merco Press, 08/21/10]
At the beginning of the 21st century, about 7 million hectares were in the hands of foreigners, but this has increased in the past decade to 20 million hectares according to Argentine Agrarian Federation, or FAA, figures.
FAA is an association of small and medium farmers who now are demanding a halt to the tendency.
[from Latin American Herald Tribune, 08/15/10]
Congressman Pablo Orsolini, with the opposition Radical Civic Union, is working on a bill addressing the issue of foreign land ownership.
The bill, introduced in March, establishes the conditions under which a foreigner may buy land, among which he or she must be a resident, and it limits the amount of land that may be bought: for example, no more than 25 percent of the territory within a municipality or district may be in the hands of foreigners.