Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Abbott facts

Abbott Facts: Health and Hospitals
When Tony Abbott was Health Minister in the Howard Government, $1 billion was cut from our public hospitals, and funding for GP training places was capped. This put more pressure on our doctors, nurses and hospital emergency departments.

Abbott Facts about Education cuts
Tony Abbott does not understand the importance of helping some students to start learning a trade whilst still at high school. He also claimed to be the principal draftsman of John Hewson's Fightback policy in 1993 which would have made it difficult for disadvantaged students to access tertiary education.

Abbott Facts about WorkChoices
Tony Abbott would bring back individual work contracts which existed under WorkChoices and threatened the pay, penalty rates and overtime of so many workers

Abbott Facts: Climate Change
The Coalition neglected to take action to protect our environment for 12 years and now Tony Abbott says 'Climate Change is absolute crap'.